For connoisseurs of fine footwear, enjoy the pics. All others...carry on.
If you're wondering what this title means, you are one of the squares who aren't familiar with the Japanese brand WTAPS (pronounced Double-Taps). This is a weirdo Japanese clothing, sneakers and gear company that draws heavy inspiration from military, punk rock, and Americana for its products. Everything they put out is of the highest possible quality; so when I heard they had teamed up with VANS to create their own sneaker, I was on the hunt. They have done collaborations with VANS previously, but that was using existing VANS models. My sneaker binges are a thing of the past, and when I finally found these, I walked out of the store trying to talk myself out of it. A block away, I turned around and went back. Very glad I did.
For connoisseurs of fine footwear, enjoy the pics. All others...carry on.

For connoisseurs of fine footwear, enjoy the pics. All others...carry on.