I decided to skip the Mets home opener on t.v. and head to the Strand Bookstore to try to meet Jeff Koons and get his new book, Celebration, signed. He was being interviewed by Glenn O'Brien at 7:00 with a Q&A and signing afterward. Well, I walked out of the Strand at around 11:00 after a really long and boring wait. The event was great, but the 3 hour wait for the signing sucked. At first he was signing and doodling on every book a person presented, but by the time I got to him, it was "one book only," which pissed everybody off. I didn't like the Celebration book, but grabbed it anyway, only to have to choose between it and my other one, a catalogue from a Chicago show which had better pics and was more "pop." The lady who was running the event told me to leave my Celebration book at the desk with my info, because she was going to try to get him to sign more later. I'm not holding my breath. BUT, I am happy to get a real JK signed book with a flower doodle and some pics. When I was having my book signed, his "handlers" were just standing there repeating "Jeff, we gotta go, Jeff. We gotta go." Overall it was a good night with a good score, but I'm really hating on the douchebags that got like 10 books each signed, when he was fresh and enthusiastic.
I decided to skip the Mets home opener on t.v. and head to the Strand Bookstore to try to meet Jeff Koons and get his new book, Celebration, signed. He was being interviewed by Glenn O'Brien at 7:00 with a Q&A and signing afterward. Well, I walked out of the Strand at around 11:00 after a really long and boring wait. The event was great, but the 3 hour wait for the signing sucked. At first he was signing and doodling on every book a person presented, but by the time I got to him, it was "one book only," which pissed everybody off. I didn't like the Celebration book, but grabbed it anyway, only to have to choose between it and my other one, a catalogue from a Chicago show which had better pics and was more "pop." The lady who was running the event told me to leave my Celebration book at the desk with my info, because she was going to try to get him to sign more later. I'm not holding my breath. BUT, I am happy to get a real JK signed book with a flower doodle and some pics. When I was having my book signed, his "handlers" were just standing there repeating "Jeff, we gotta go, Jeff. We gotta go." Overall it was a good night with a good score, but I'm really hating on the douchebags that got like 10 books each signed, when he was fresh and enthusiastic.