Kinda stumbled upon this show at Friedrich Petzel Gallery on 22nd street. I'm a sucker for destruction as art, and this was a pretty unexpected piece of work. Cars wrapped around steel poles, and pictures of women done in a way that is hard to see until you step back and (un)focus. I think one of the pieces was Kate Moss which, for me, automatically gives it 2 thumbs up.
Kinda stumbled upon this show at Friedrich Petzel Gallery on 22nd street. I'm a sucker for destruction as art, and this was a pretty unexpected piece of work. Cars wrapped around steel poles, and pictures of women done in a way that is hard to see until you step back and (un)focus. I think one of the pieces was Kate Moss which, for me, automatically gives it 2 thumbs up.
Woke up early and caught the new Terminator flick @ one of my favorite
theaters, Village East. Love seeing movies early while Carrie sleeps,
but T4 kinda put me to sleep. Yawn.
theaters, Village East. Love seeing movies early while Carrie sleeps,
but T4 kinda put me to sleep. Yawn.
Went to THE MET today to see the new Francis Bacon exhibit. They have a bunch of stuff going on right now..The Pictures Generation, Models as Muse, Walker Evans picture postcards, as well as some stuff on the roof. The Bacon show was WAY too crowded to get a good view of everything, but their modern art wing was relaxed and spacious. Good to see some old faves: Warhol, Twombly, Judd, Dali. As with every museum I visit, I get my ass handed to me by a security guard for trying to sneak shots of unauthorized shit...hence no pics of Hirst's shark in tank. Yo, this guy was pissed. Anyhow, enjoy a couple of pics of artwork deemed photographable by "the man"..

Introduced in 1950, the Eames Wire-Base Table is a simple, beautiful table that can be used in a million different places. Picked this up SUPER CHEAP because of the chip on the side, not too noticeable to this perfectionist, so what the hell. To tell you the truth, I think this thing looks even cooler upside down.
When I started taking cell phone pics of my co-worker's t-shirts, he asked if I was compiling a "diary of a loser?" Just the opposite..I was in awe of his collection of metal/punk/rock shirts that he displayed daily at work, so when I shot over 100 shirts, I put out a very limited edition (1of1) glossy "zine" of the pics. No re-touching or anything..just my cell shots in a book. Diary came out last winter, but I still haven't given my subject a copy..How messed up is that?
In its prime, RELAX MAGAZINE out of Japan, was the Bible for what was happening youth-culturally(?) in Japan as well as the rest of the world. Who cares that I couldn't read 90% of it? I squeezed all I could out of that shit! I mean, the James Lavelle column LTD. EDT. listed all the coolest things he was into that month, from toys to clothes to music, and it would blow my mind. The magazine eventually turned kind of wack and folded, but it was a great ride. Issue 46 is my favorite...MO WAX issue with Futura cover. Mine's been flipped through a million times and a little worn, but its cover is signed, so its kind of a "museum piece" to me.
I know, I know..enough with the Manson collecting. It's giving me the creeps, believe me. But I can't pass up shit like this, an excellent condition 1970 Rolling Stone magazine with an extended cover story on the whole disturbing affair. The ads in this thing are pretty insane as well(new Grateful Dead album). How about I post something a little more light-hearted next time, and we call it even?
New book by Francesca Gavin is a must have for people who love checking out interiors. Lots of pics of the houses and apartments of "artists and innovators," from around the world. My favorite is Hardy (MAHARISHI) Blechman's crib...very organic and peaceful looking, but there are plenty of others to inspire you and then piss you off with envy. Stay calm.
I'm not sure what Altamont clothing is, but they hosted my friend BOOGIE'S art opening Thursday night in SOHO, at their new store on Greene street. The basement of the place was done up with all of Boogie's work xeroxed and stapled to the wall...looked amazing ! Then instead of the standard hip hop DJ bullshit, he/they somehow got NYHC legends MURPHY'S LAW to play. All hell broke loose in the basement and the kids went wild...ceiling sprung a leak, things got broken and lots of beer was spilled. Best art opening I've been to! Hate to post these horrendous iphone pics, but its all I have. I do like the moshing blur in the last one though. Thanks Boogie!

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