In its prime, RELAX MAGAZINE out of Japan, was the Bible for what was happening youth-culturally(?) in Japan as well as the rest of the world. Who cares that I couldn't read 90% of it? I squeezed all I could out of that shit! I mean, the James Lavelle column LTD. EDT. listed all the coolest things he was into that month, from toys to clothes to music, and it would blow my mind. The magazine eventually turned kind of wack and folded, but it was a great ride. Issue 46 is my favorite...MO WAX issue with Futura cover. Mine's been flipped through a million times and a little worn, but its cover is signed, so its kind of a "museum piece" to me.
In its prime, RELAX MAGAZINE out of Japan, was the Bible for what was happening youth-culturally(?) in Japan as well as the rest of the world. Who cares that I couldn't read 90% of it? I squeezed all I could out of that shit! I mean, the James Lavelle column LTD. EDT. listed all the coolest things he was into that month, from toys to clothes to music, and it would blow my mind. The magazine eventually turned kind of wack and folded, but it was a great ride. Issue 46 is my favorite...MO WAX issue with Futura cover. Mine's been flipped through a million times and a little worn, but its cover is signed, so its kind of a "museum piece" to me.