When you buy a book from the rare books floor at THE STRAND, you are escorted down to the cashiers, and then you get to cut to the front of the line to a cashier secured for you by your escort. Everyone is looking and wondering what kind of asshole just cut them and what the hell they are buying. Sorry. Anyway, finally secured a book that I had been on the lookout for, for a couple of years, RAYMOND PETTIBON'S 1000 page compilation of all the zines he put out for over 20 years. No other words will do except FUCKING AMAZING. I read this book for about an hour and was completely mesmerized and truly affected by his work. Only about a quarter of the way through, but this stuff must be taken in slowly, or you'll lose your mind. I'm kinda thinking I took too big of a hit off of this thing the first time and warped my mind.